Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009

Ron and me at Caribou/Deer Creek. We joined Lisa and Norm for the day while they were camping. We had a marvelous time. Lots of sun, water, and laughter! Just what we needed to kick off the summer!

Lisa's new addition to her family "Buffy"....she didn't slay any vampires while we were there, but I bet she could if she wanted to!

Buffy not quite sure what to do with the crawdad!

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  1. looks like alot of funnn! I cant wait to go to hawaii and play in that ocean..It looks very peacefull!

  2. hello!
    i am from south korea and because of the financial crisis we are running out of food supplies.
    i was interested if that fine specimen from the second and third picture is for sale.
    if so, please contact me as soon as possible.

    best regards,
